Sunday, November 1, 2015

Love Was There

Life has thrown my family and I a curve ball and it was in the form of losing someone we love. I am an emotionally based person and I tend to express myself in ways that would be classified as in the art form. I found myself processing my grief and even preserving the last moments that my family and I had with my stepdad before he went to be with Jesus via photography. I understand this may not be everyone's way but I am grateful I have these moments captured and so is my family.
I was blessed to witness their goodbyes and show their love.

My stepdad developed cancer and was technically a "survivor" according to medical terms these days. The cancer came back aggressively after having a Laryngectomy. My stepdad communicated as long as he could via pen and paper. His last days were spent with close family and friends. I was blessed to be holding his hand as he went to be with the Lord while his friend Justin was near his side. 

It was a sadly beautiful time as I watched my stepdad's mom (91) who herself just finished radiation treatments for brain cancer come to her son's bed side to hold his hand. They had a tough relationship (the right and wrong of it doesn't mater any more). What matters is that there she was holding her baby boy's hand.

Love was there through every single tear.
Love was there through every struggle and every fear.

I am not sure how to word these moments. I think I will just let the pictures speak for themselves.


  1. That's beautiful. Full of grace and love.

    1. Helen callanan 💖November 5, 2015 at 1:55 AM

      Dear nikki...thankyou so much for your beautiful heartfelt work and gift. Tomorrow we begin delivery of our 3 day Preparing The Way course in sydney and i am going to share your sweet heart and gift with everyone...may sweet peace and comfort fill you and all your family nikki...with love..helen callanan of Preparing the Way Events ����������������

    2. Oh Helen, thank you! Thank you for doing what you do!
