Saturday, April 25, 2015

Letters to Our Daughters - April 2015 - Kylo

I have been blessed to be a part of the Letters to Our Daughters blog circle. If you would like to see some other photographers posts please click on Kerry's link below. She is one of the many talented photographers in this series.

Kerry Kaminski | Kerry Kaminski Photography | Greater Seattle Newborn & Birth Photographer | Olympic Peninsula Newborn Photographer | Destination: Northwest Wedding Photographer

You would be two this May. It still sometimes feels impossible that we lost you and never got to know you.

I have been reading through Genesis and I am in the chapter where Joseph invites his brothers who betrayed him to come and live near him since there will be 5 more years of famine. Yeah, he extended amazing grace to his brothers who sold him into slavery! Joseph was hurt and even showed that but he was still able to give life to those who hurt him most. It just so happened that your big sister's memory verse was Genesis 50:20 this week at church. It says: "You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good." (kids paraphrase).

 When I heard this verse I couldn't help but instantly think of you Kylo. While your little life was incredibly short, God used it for so much good. It built in me a desire to pursue God in deeper ways, a passion for being real and raw, we were given your baby sister Amelia and our story has reached many who needed to hear it. I still to this day get emails saying how your little life has blessed them through their own loss. I guess I just want you to know that you are not ever forgotten and that God even used you before you were born--your testimony small in time but powerful.

Mommy loves you Kylo. Happy heavenly birthday!

 I struggled with finding how to incorporate pictures into this letter this month as I never got to have a picture of you. So, instead I had your big sisters draw up pictures of how they see you.

Amelia, didn't want to do a drawing ( how toddler of her ;) I did tell her about her big sister Kylo in Heaven though.

 Here is a pic of your sisters together for Easter:

Lila's picture is of her holding a special pillow that she wants to give to you. She wants you to know that you are special and that all together you are the "four sisters."

 Chloe's picture is of you in Heaven. Chloe said that all of Heaven is like a giant pearl so this picture is of Jesus and you in Heaven surrounded by a pearl. Jesus has a crown because He is the King and you have a crown because you are His princess. The blue and red that circle around the pearl are the bright and shining rubies and sapphires.


If you would like to read about more about Kylo and mine's story you can go to my personal blog:

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